Asbestos industry looking for a bailout
Heads of America's top Asbestos offices are going down to Washington to ask for the government to bail them out of a the recession.
Heads of the say that asbestos industry state that a other sectors such as the auto industry and the banking industry has been bailout recently but the asbestos industry hasn't received any amount of aid.
It's like our industry has been black balled since the late 80'ssays James Rukwell, CEO of Rukwell, Rukwll and Son Asbestos company in Southern Rhode island.
Very Nice info guys. Please visit me back! Thanks
Thanks for posting this article. I agree, it's better to spend than to cause diseases to the people around you. Asbestos contains a fatal diseases that if not cleaned up will kill a lot of children and elderly. Nice post!
Asbestos Cleanup
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