Fun With Asbestos

Asbestos has been around for over 2000 years and has been used for many wonderful things. Sadly due to the fact that many people have died because of this wonderful product, it is no longer allowed to be used commerically. But this site here is so you can take all that asbestos you find at your house, work or kids school and use them in a varity of ways or products that you can't get anywhere else

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Before you go out this new years

I know many people are planning to go a celebrate news years to night and some of those people thinks it cute/funny to dress as a giant baby.

If you are one of these people may I suggest that you use a sheet of asbestos and use it as a diaper.

The reason is that asbestos diapers have saved many a lives on new year's. The reason is that many people get so drunk on new year's that they passout. Which is really bad if you are a smoker or passout with a smoker. Trust me fire + alcohol is never good.

an asbestos diaper will protect you junk if a cigarette (or what ever you are smoking) falls on you.


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